SNOWS ON THE WAY…..Getting-R-Done TRAIL WORK is in final stage:
* Roberd’s Lake Trail – has had most signs installed thanks to: Travis Beaupre, Steve Brown, Larry Shepherd, Dick Larson, Jim Fritz Jr, Dean Quinnell.
Work on trail will continue after the holiday date/time YTBD.
• South Trail – Completed, All signs installed – ready for opening day. Thanks to: Dave Steinbauer & Dick Larson.
* RBNC Trail city trail – A Meeting will be held soon to finalize trail signage, and thereafter signs … will get installed. This is a corridor trail. Share the trail with Pedestrians, 10 mph, Stay on marked snowmobile trails.
* East Trail – signage started – thanks to Earl Graham and Jim Schrot. Work on trail will continue after the holiday date/time YTBD. Additional thanks to; Dick Larson & Dave Steinbauer for trimming trees and repaired Caron’s Bridge, then trimming the treeline passage by the NFO barn Hwy 60E.
* Lyndale Trail – Team Dale Drentlaw, Ray Bauer Jr, Dick Larson and Casey Erdman put in signs and did some tree trimming by Townsquare. USE CAUTION ~ Hwy 3/21 Project is not finished – beaware of equipment & material. 1 1/2 weeks to completion then the Team will need to sign that section and do some more tree trimming by KFC & Truckers Inn before this trail is completed.
* North Trail – disc’ing is almost done. Majority of trail signage has/is being installed. Team will be working on trail Sunday, 11/20/11
* West Trail – we do not have to do major trail reroute this season the questionable landowner has agreed to allow us cross his property. However – he has requested more “No Trespassing /No Snowmobiling / Stay on Trail signs to be erected just outside the trail and has asked the MN DNR Conservation Officer for more enforcement! Trail work will begin within the coming weekends.
* Nerstrand Park – thanks to Alex Manz for installing the signs on the reroute, due to the bridge construction. Team will be finishing up Sunday 11/20/11