Events for this Fall

Region 5 Fall Campout, Sept 27-29th

Maiden Rock West in Morristown will be the site for the Region 5 Fall Campout this September. On Saturday there will be a short meeting starting at 9 a.m. Following the meeting there will be a social featuring beverages & appetizers. The afternoon will be a chance to relax and play games.

The evening meal is a potluck starting at 5:30p.m. Bring a dish to pass and stay for the evening bonfire. There will be a small charge for visitors if you choose not to camp. Reservations can be made by calling 507-685-2280. Please indicate that you are with our Region 5 group so that they put in our area.

Club Socials returning!!!!

Sunday night socials are returning starting on Oct 6th. Our first map sponsor we will be visiting is Ungs. Please mark these dates on your calendar to join other club members in a fun social environment.

Oct 6th –Ungs •

Nov 3rd – Winjums •

Dec 1st –The Lodge

These gatherings will be on the first Sunday of the month unless you are notified of a change in advance. Meet at 6 pm.


We currently do not have any information on the Faribault Chamber’s Winterfest. We do know that the date is the 1st weekend in December. If this does take place we will have more details at a later time but please mark your calendars for this fun event.

Don’t forget the Fall Membership Meeting, Oct 19th at the Moose

MnUSA Calendars will again be available

Annually our club sells the MnUSA Raffle Calendars to raise funds for charity. The Executive Board voted to do this again this year. Larry Shepherd will be chairing this undertaking and hopefully have calendars available at the Fall Membership Meeting. There are 365 chances to win for only $20! Where else can you try to win 365 prizes for only $20??!!!!