Are Rideable Trails coming to an End? 2/27/20
Out today with the sled to see what the trails are doing with the warm temps from last weekend. Trails are smooth in parts and a little rough in other spots. Some bare ground is showing on plowed fields that face west or south. Still a good base on most of the trails but snow is hard and icy . Trails are grooved from sled skis and sled likes to follow them. Trails are rideable, you will need your ice scratchers down and be careful out there. I think we will have rideable trails thru this Saturday. After that with the warm temps again for the upcoming week, most of the trails will lose there snow. March snow isn’t always the best, and it does not last very long.
Pics from some of the West and North Trails. (I only live a 1/2 mile to these trails) Saw a few sledders out today riding the trails.