40 Foot bridge to be built at The Shack

After mowing lawn today , Larry S. , Jerry V. and Randy V. worked on moving the bridge beams. They are kind of setup where they need to be, but the two outside beams need to be blocked up level with the main beams.



We will need workers to help cut and drill holes in cross bars and fit in place. Then assemble with bolts, attach wood mounting planks on top of beams.

This bridge frame work will need to be completely assembled for fitment and then side beams removed for hauling. The frame for this bridge is very heavy,( the tractor can only lift one end of bridge at a time). We would like volunteers to help assemble bridge. If you would like to help , call our trail administrator for times when we will be working on the bridge. Also you can call anyone on the board and they can put you in touch with the right person.

Thanks go out to Joe S. for welding up beams and anybody else that helped him.

After bean crop comes out where bridge needs to be, we will need a large group of volunteers to help set this bridge in place. Then the deck needs to be installed with railings.