All of our trails are Groomed 2/12/20

North,East, South, West and HWY 21 corridor in town have been groomed as of tonight. They are ready for the weekend. Talked to groomer driver that did west trail last night , said he saw are our neighbor, LeSueur county was grooming also. Should make sledding excellent with nice groomed trails. Trails to the north of our trail are groomed also. We had a little issue with our groomer tractor last night, it blew a heater hose. OEM clamps failed and lost most of the coolant. Got it repaired this morning and found a few other things that needed to be done. Just in time to finish rest of trails today. Get out and ride and please stay on the marked trails. Landowners only give us 20 foot wide trails and anything past that is considered trespassing.

Ready to go grooming today