Club is gearing up for Fall and Winter duties

In need of officers for next year!!!

Our club needs members to join the Executive Board. There are many positions open. If you are interested or would like more information about any position within the club. We have worked on job descriptions. You may call President Randy Feyersein for this or to let him know you are wiling to help the club in this way.

West Trail Leader(s) needed

Dale Drentlaw has stepped down as the West Trail Facilitator. We need an individual or individuals to be responsibility for overseeing that the trail is maintained, put in and taken out. You may contact Trail Administrator, Alex Manz, 507-838-2693.

As always we need everyone to help with Trail brushing and trail set up.

Please Help.

Groomer Drivers Meeting

Due to quite a few reroutes .It was suggested that a Groomer Drivers Meeting take place prior to the snow falling. A date has not been set. But if you are a driver be aware that this will be coming by the end of the year.