December 2023 Newsletter


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Submitted by Larry Shepherd

Trails are Signed and Ready for Snow
Trails don’t magically appear. Club members have been busy the last two weeks disking, brushing and quad
sawing tree limbs. Then signing the 110 miles of trails with 100’s of signs. Now it’s time to clean up the
equipment so we are ready for snow. A huge THANK YOU goes out to everyone that worked on the trails!! Note: There is one problem with our trails this year!! The trail that bypasses Faribault to the West is
CLOSED! It started/ended at the Sakatah State Trail and started/ended at Hwy 21 and Airport Rd W. It was
the results of property being sold to a family that is concerned with liability and sound. Be sure and THANK the 135 Landowners that allow us to have trails on
their property!

Faribault Winterfest Held Saturday, Dec 2, 2023

The Faribault “Winterfest” is just two days away! This is one of our major fundraisers so can always use more
help. The club will be setting up a booth in front of Our Place on 3rd. Street where we will be selling hot dogs.
and hot drinks. We will also be selling $5 – 50/50 Raffle Tickets. Our beautifully decorated John Deere and
Grooming Drag will be in the Parade that evening.

Note: We could and would appreciate your help at different times and various tasks.

1) If you’re able to please bring 1 dozen cookies individually wrapped to sell at our booth.

2) Dec 2 at 2:30pm we will meet at the Club House to load trailers and head to 3rd St to set up the tent we
use for a booth.
3) Dec 2, 5pm to 10pm, Dec 2nd we could use your help selling 50/50 Raffle tickets
4) Dec 2, 10pm we could use help tearing down the tent/booth. Club Meeting – Dec 14, 2023
The next Club meeting will be held at the Club House, Dec 14, 2023 @ (839 NW 30th St) at 6:30 p.m. All
Members and Prospective Members are welcome to attend. These meetings have been very informative and
Get Your Youth Signed UP NOW!
Driving test Dec 16, 2023
Go to the following link for more information and to register:
Thanks to the Volunteers
Who have raised all most $8000.00 by selling Ads that are on our Groomer Display Board. Who have also
raised another $500+ selling MnUSA Calendars. That keep the Clubhouse and the grounds around it looking
spiffy. That keep our equipment clean, mechanically sound and ready to be used. That sign, brush, disk and
groom our trails so they provide a great riding experience to members and visitors. Then especially thanks
to the landowners that allow our trails to cross their property. NOTE: We can always use help with the club picnic, annual meetings, sign repair, trail signage, maintenance of
equipment, grooming operator, mowing and fund raising. We also need members willing to step up and be
Club Officers and/or Board Members. Your help in any club function is greatly appreciated and helps us have
award winning trails!! Unfortunately – NO VOLUNTEERS = NO TRAILS!!

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Friday, Jan 12, 2024

The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be at the Moose Lodge, Friday, Jan 12, 2024. Happy hour will start at
5pm with dinner being served at 6pm. You will be ordering from their Basket Menu. Please add this to your
calendar. Club Trip??
The Board needs to know if there is any interest in a Club Trip. If you are interested in a trip and have a place
in mind, please contact Randy Feyereisn at We need some interest before we schedule a
trip. Keep up to date on events and meeting times by following us at: Facebook: Faribo Sno-Go Club
You can also check out for Minnesota snowmobiling events from across the state.
Other Websites:
2022-2024 Executive Board and Board Members
President – Randy Feyereisn Vice President – Larry Shepherd
Secretary – Emily Velishek Treasurer – Shane DeGrood
Publicity – Christie Bluhm Membership – Travis Beaupre
Trail Administrator – Tony Balata Past President Earl Graham
Board of Directors:
Randy Velishek      Jerry Velishek
Rick Bartness         Kurt Kluzak
Nate Shaw            Mike DeGrood
Mark Gillen             Joe Schrot