Newsletter -March 2024
Submitted by Christie B.
Newsletter- March 2024
MnUSA 2024 Winter Rendezvous
The MnUSA 2024 Winter “No Snow” Rendezvous was held at Thumper Pond Resort in Ottertail. Bret and Tammy Simon from New Prague, received an award for Family of the Year. Dave Hanson received award for Unsung Hero. Mike Clevenger is the current MnUSA president.
Legislative News
Larry Shepherd and Earl Graham attended the February 21st legislative session in St. Paul. They met with Senator Jasinski and other representatives and reviewed the MnUSA’s current agenda and were given the current legislative priorities.
1) Support legislation that provides a sales tax exemption on building materials and supplies purchased by non-profit clubs to maintain state or grant-in-aid snowmobile trails.
2) Support legislation that increases the penalties for loud mufflers.
3) Protection of the unrefunded gas tax attributed to snowmobile use.
4) Protection of the use of snowmobiles on public land.
5) Support of programs and policies that encourage continued access to private land for public use.
6) Support of the use of a portion of the Parks and Trails Legacy Funds and other state funding sources for capital improvements on trails that benefit snowmobiling.
7) Support of legislation that will ensure any new laws protect and accommodate recreational trail alignments and crossings for new development, specifically for any new publicly funded rail developments for both light and heavy rail.
MnUSA provided all you could eat hors d’oeuvres.
DNR Funding
Next year, DNR funding is expected to be lower being it was a low registration year. The money comes from sled registrations and gas tax calculated by off road vehicle usage.
Trail Equipment News & Grant Update
A Grant was submitted to purchase new tracks for the 6330 tractor. Tony Balata has been busy with the grant work and getting quotes from multiple companies for the tracks.
Medford Access Trail
Anyone interested to help talking to landowners and new signposting in the trail area connecting the south side of Faribault to Medford.
Contact Tony @507-838-0256 if interested. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Sno-Go Club Wear
New Caps and Stocking hats with the club logo are available for purchase.
Items are available at the club house.
Next Club Meeting, March 12, 2024
The next Club meeting will be held at the Club House, (839 30th St NW) at 6:30 p.m. All Members and Prospective Members are welcome to attend.
Club Member Dues
A reminder that Dues are $45 Per Year. Please mail your dues to: Faribo Sno-Go Club, PO Box 153, Faribault, MN 55021 if you have not already. You also can go to our website and join or renew your membership.
Volunteers Needed to help with Club Functions
We can always use help with the club picnic, annual meetings, sign repair, trail signage, maintenance of equipment and fund raising. We also need members willing to step up and be Club Officers and/or Board Members. Your help with any club function is greatly appreciated and helps us have award winning trails!!
Keep up to date on events and meeting times by following us at:
Facebook: Faribo Sno-Go Club
2023-2024 Executive Board and Board Members
President – Randy Feyereisn Vice President – Larry Shepherd
Secretary – Emily Velishek Treasurer – Shane DeGrood
Publicity – Christie Bluhm Membership – Travis Beaupre
Past President – Earl Graham Trail Administrator – Tony Balata
Board of Directors:
Randy Velishek Jerry Velishek
Rick Bartness Mark Gillen
Nathan Shaw Kurt Kluzak
Mike DeGrood Joe Schrot
Please Support our Groomer Display Business Donors!!
Channel Inn The Lodge on Lake Mazaska
Harry Browns Automotive Center Apple Creek Orchard
Met-Con Faribo Insurance – Dean Quinnell
Steele County Trail Association Kenyon Snowdrifters
Tri Lakes Sportsmen’s Club Velishek Auto Sales
Bauer’s Southside Liquors Toy Box Saloon Kilkenny
R.C. Bliss Faribault Design Specialties
Community CO-OP Oil Assn Grandma’s Lakeside Resort
LaCanne’s Marine Knish Kustomz Automotive Upholstery
Sette Sports Center Reliance Bank
Southern Shores Dock & Lift Sakatah Trail Sno-Cruisers
State Bank of Faribault Sammon Trucking
Shepherd’s Automotive (Justin & Jenny) Tom’s Pro Glass
Tom’s Lock and Key Boonies Bar & Grill