Update 4/4/20. Snowmobile Season has Ended. Trail Signs are being Removed 3/24/20

Snowmobiling season came to an abrupt stop with the warmer weather at the end of February . It was a decent season for sledding down in southern Minnesota. When we had the snow you had to ride. Now everyone is dealing with the corona virus so do your part, keep doing social distancing.

Trail signs are being removed. Today ,North Trail signs all removed and closed, South Trail signs all removed and closed. Hwy 21 and Industrial trail in town all signs removed. East and West Trails will have there signs removed in the future.

Thank you to our Trail Leaders and crews. Thank you to our groomer drivers for keeping our trails rideable. We are thankful for the decent snow this year, so we could enjoy our snowmobiles. Thanks to our landowner for allowing us to use their land for trails.


West trail All signs are removed.

4/2/20 Roberds lake trail signs removed

Last Trail signs were removed on the East trail.

Have a good Summer, Stay safe.