Trail grooming report. 12/26/2022

Trail grooming started today on Sakatah state trail. This will take 12 to 15 hrs , depending how big the drifts are in the trail. We need to go from Faribault to Mankato and back. One way is about 43 miles. Tuesday’s grooming will do South trail to Steele county line and East trail to Goodhue county line along with Nerstrand state park. Wednesday and Thursday we will be working on North trail to Boonies restaurant . Also West trail to LeSueur county line.

Grooming Sakatah trail today

Pic’s of Sakatah trail from today. Couldn’t finish trail by Mankato , drifts got too big and deep in the trail. Parts of Sakatah trail is like a deep ditch and when it blows it fills up with snow.

Trail is in the woods
Trail is in the woods
Trail is in the woods

Went out today to check trails close to me. Here are a few pictures of the North and West trails. There is enough snow on the trails with quite a few drifts. Go out and have fun. ?