Busy Busy Busy

We haven’t posted anything because we’ve all been very busy making sure; trails are signed, equipment was working, new landowners contacted, and the season opened after a long fall.

But we got it done, and it finally snowed and snowed for two days totaling 10″inches in and around the Faribault Area. We’ve had crews out Grooming/Rolling snow are here are the conditions so far:

  1. North Trail – groomed, conditions fair to good 10″ of snow.
  2. West Trail – groomed, conditions fair to good 10″ of snow.
  3. South Trail – groomed, conditions poor to fair 7-4″ of snow only. Fields are rough, but seen riders on them. Watch out for water areas still not frozen.
  4. Lyndale Trail – groomed, conditions good 10″ of snow plus snow from roads being plowed.
  5. Industrial Park Spur – groomed, (local trail only) conditions fair-good 10″ of snow.
  6. South Airport Trail – groomed, conditions fair to good 10″ of snow. Watch out for water areas still not frozen.
  7. Roberd’s Lake Spurnot groomed, unknown conditions
  8. Sakatah State Trail – groomed out section Faribault Trailhead to Humphrey Elevator. conditions fair to good 10″ of snow.
  9. RBNC Trail Spurnot groomed, unknown conditions
  10. East Trailnot groomed, unknown conditions
  11. Nerstrand Park Trailnot groomed, unknown conditions