Trail Conditions

Grooming and trail Conditions 1/24/21

Sakatah State trail was groomed today from Faribault to Mankato and back. A lot of sleds we’re…

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Update on Sakatah State Trail 1/16/21

State Trail has 3 to 4 inches of snow until you get to Mankato. Trail at Hwy…

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1/16/21 Update on conditions on West trail

Went out to see if trails are rideable today . Not sure on the rest of our…

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Waiting for more Snow 1/6/21

Groomer was on part of the West trail to knock down corn stalks. There is just not…

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Finished work on new Trail

Larry S, Jerry V, and Randy V. Used Quadsaw to remove branches hanging on the new trail…

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Trails are Signed and Ready for the Season to Begin

The trail crews have been busy in the past few weeks. From brushing, bridge work , disking…

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Trails are being prepped for the upcoming Snowmobile Season

Working with our Quadsaw on the Sakatah State Trail. DNR did not have the power equipment to…

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Cleaning up State Trail for Grooming

The crew was out yesterday clearing branches that were hanging into trail. Branches high and low need…

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Brushing trails

Out today cleaning up some of the west trail. The trees are closing in on the trails….

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Update 4/4/20. Snowmobile Season has Ended. Trail Signs are being Removed 3/24/20

Snowmobiling season came to an abrupt stop with the warmer weather at the end of February ….

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Are Rideable Trails coming to an End? 2/27/20

Out today with the sled to see what the trails are doing with the warm temps from…

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2/20/20 Trails are Groomed

West trail was the last trail that needed to be groomed and it is being groomed tonight….

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